You want to donate, but you are not quite sure how? This guide will explain how to find where you would like to donate and then determine how to donate to your organization of choice. First of all the actual event took place in person on November 30th, but donations continue to come in through the website.
When you arrive at you will see the top and recent posts.
If you continue to scroll down, you will start to see organizations
As you scroll down, you will have access to viewing all 34 organizations and their mission statements. Soon there may be links to videos and/or interviews for each organization as well!
For now – as you scroll you will see the logo, mission statement, mailing address, donate button and email button of each organization.
Our Example here is Big Rapids Virtual School. You can see their logo, and if you click on that it takes you to their website. Then below that is their mission statement, and mailing address. Next is the donate button which will take you to another webpage for secure donation (which was not provided by BRVS – so in this case you need to mail a check to them), and below that button is the email address where you can send an email directly to the school for any questions you may have about the organization.
Big Rapids Public Library is set up for online donations. You will notice when you click and go to the donation Paypal page, there are some choices you can make.
You can contact us at if you have questions regarding how to donate on this website. We would happily put you in touch with the organizations as well – and remember there is an email button, usually a phone number, and a mailing address for each organization on this website. Please have a look around and continue to donate to these amazing orgs!
We appreciate you!! Please start by heading to the home page by clicking this link!